It's MASSIVE. That’s the artist. (photo borrowed from internet story)
I first saw it out of the corner of my eye from quite a distance and uttered, “Are you SERIOUS?” I ditched my colleague and made a bee line straight for it, practically knocking people down on my way. I spent the next half hour just standing there ... looking. I sat on a nearby bench and looked more. I didn’t want to leave.
This art installation at the convention center in San Antonio is the permanent location for this project that took artist Gary Sweeney four years to complete. Made entirely from pieces of old, weathered signs, this Herculean effort recreates the first two paragraphs of “The Story of Civilization,” the epic, eleven-volume history of Western civilization. You would think I would have already known about this guy!
Watch a four minute video about this project.
Read more about the artist here
You can read the passages here — click photo to enlarge